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Forest Row School

Part of the Bluebell

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The JIGSAW Scheme

The JIGSAW scheme supports the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:

  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Value self and others
  • Form relationships
  • Make and act on informed decisions
  • Communicate effectively
  • Work with others
  • Respond to challenge
  • Be an active partner in their own learning
  • Be active citizens within the local community
  • Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
  • Become healthy and fulfilled individuals


The JIGSAW Charter

At the start of each year the children will discuss the JIGSAW Charter and agree their own Charter in order to create a safe space to discuss topic and ideas in the classroom


The JIGSAW Characters

As part of our JIGSAW Scheme each class has a JIGSAW Character. These characters are designed to guide children through a range of topics as well as create scenarios to get the children thinking!



Whole School Overview

whole school.pdf


learning in eyfs what pshe subject leaders need to know.pdf


jigsaw information leaflet for parents and carers 2021.pdf



RSE Guidance

Page 19-20 of the document below gives you a break down of the statutory elements for the teaching of RSE.

relationships education relationships and sex education rse and health education.pdf

 Please see the attached JIGSAW guidance for the teaching of RSE.

jigsaw rse parent guide.pdf




lgbtq parent leaflet a4 2021.pdf