Here at Forest Row we believe that a love of reading and writing underpins all that we do. We intend for every child to experience an exciting and enriching english curriculum. We use focus texts to bring our curriculum to life.
We use a Talk for Writing approach where children imitate the language and sentences they will need. We analyse and read effective examples and then use these skills to create our own texts. We believe that writing is built upon a sea of talk and so we spend time crafting and improving our ideas to make them as exciting as possible. We also use a range videos, photos, class texts and our wider curriculum to provide our writing with purpose. Writing is taught through a careful process of modelling using interesting and engaging examples. Scaffolded support is provided in small steps so that success is built in. We use a range of text maps, word mats, sentence structure support and focussed adult input to ensure every child views themselves as a writer.
Every class reads every day. From Year 2, those children who have learnt to read fluently using our ReadWriteInc scheme take part in a daily reading VIPERS session. We read a range of fiction and non-fiction to build up our comprehension skills. These children also take part in a daily spelling lesson. Our spellings are taken from the ReadWriteInc spelling scheme which builds on their phonic knowledge and can be found on our class pages.
Reading and writing in EYFS
writing in eyfs what english subject leaders need to know.pdf
progression of skills in writing.pdf
progression of skills in reading.pdf
Our New Look Library