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Forest Row School

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British Values




promoting fundamental british values 1 .pdf

In addition to the ways we promote British Values stated in the document above, we use Picture News weekly during collective worship.

Picture News consists of a news story and a relevant big question for the children to consider for example: 'Will robots make the world better?' or 'Do we achieve more when there is competition?' By using Picture News, we ensure all children have access to current affairs and provide children with opportunities to learn about and from the world we live in. Furthermore, we develop the children’s understanding of British values through making meaningful and relevant links. The following document outlines the coverage of British Values in Term 1 through the weekly questions and topics.

primary picture news england coverage document autumn 1 2022.pdf

 We have also created a display which includes the weekly big question. All children have the opportunity to add their thoughts and opinions about the question and these are reviewed and reflected upon during the following week's worship.

Picture News Display